The Power of Positive Work Culture: Why Every Company Needs It

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, companies are continuously seeking ways to gain an edge over their competitors. While strategies, technologies, and products play critical roles, the importance of a positive work culture cannot be overstated. A positive work culture is the backbone of any successful organization, fostering productivity,…


Imposter Syndrome: Not for women only

Imposter syndrome is not just a female issue, it may significantly impact men. Societal expectations and personal experiences may contribute to imposter syndrome among men, potentially affecting their behavior and performance in the workplace. The Gender Divide Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being…


5 Secrets to Help You Avoid Diabetes

5 Secrets to Help You Avoid Diabetes  I write about elements of health because to be a high-performing executive, you have to be in optimal health. The last time I wrote a health-related article [link to cholesterol article] , I reported my systematic exploration to lower my cholesterol. My cholesterol…

Read more about the article Embracing Holiday Joy: 10 Empowering Lessons for a Meaningful Celebration!
Embracing Holiday Joy: 10 Empowering Lessons for a Meaningful Celebration

Embracing Holiday Joy: 10 Empowering Lessons for a Meaningful Celebration!

The holiday season is a time for joy, connection, and reflection. While it often comes with its share of stress, embracing a positive mindset and good boundaries can make all the difference. Let's explore empowering lessons that can bring light to your holiday experience. 1. Cultivate Optimism Approach the holidays…

Read more about the article Trust Is the New Currency: Principles for Building Trust
How to apply first principles to your coaching practice

Trust Is the New Currency: Principles for Building Trust

Introduction: Trust has become an invaluable currency in today's fast-paced and interconnected business world. As an executive coach, I have witnessed the transformative power of trust in organizations and individuals. This blog post will explore two fundamental principles that contribute to building trust: Intention and the BRAINS framework. Understanding and…

Read more about the article Diversity and Inclusion: A Workplace for All
A diverse and inclusive workplace is one where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their differences. This includes employees with disabilities.

Diversity and Inclusion: A Workplace for All

A diverse and inclusive workplace is one where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their differences. This includes employees with disabilities. There are many benefits to having a diverse and inclusive workforce. For one, it can lead to increased innovation. When employees from different backgrounds and with different…

Read more about the article Benefits of First Principles Coaching
How to apply first principles to your coaching practice

Benefits of First Principles Coaching

In the last article in this series, we learned that applying first principles to coaching is an effective way to generate new insights, ideas, and solutions. By breaking down complex problems or situations into fundamental components and analyzing each component using first principles, coaches can gain a deeper understanding of…

Read more about the article Six First Principles of Coaching
How to apply first principles to your coaching practice

Six First Principles of Coaching

In coaching, First principles should be based on the fundamental beliefs and values that guide the coaching process. These principles should form the foundation for all coaching activities and focus on key elements. When seeking out the help of a coach, ask yourself these basic questions: Do I trust this…

Read more about the article Applying First Principles to Coaching
How to apply first principles to your coaching practice

Applying First Principles to Coaching

As a coach, your primary goal is to help individuals or teams achieve their desired outcomes. However, this can be a complex process, requiring a deep understanding of the problem at hand, innovative thinking, and effective problem-solving skills. One approach that can help you navigate this complexity is to apply…

Read more about the article 10 Tips to Improve Managing Up as a Skill
Team Productivity Rises with Trust - learn the ekill of managing up

10 Tips to Improve Managing Up as a Skill

Importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and behavior to gain the benefits of managing up, including enhanced communication and collaboration, positive relationships, job satisfaction and engagement, career development opportunities, performance improvement, and conflict mitigation.When it comes to difficult situations at work, it can be easy to place all the…


Look Back Before You Go Forward

Remember that we started this conversation in January with my Plan-Execute-Measure system - well, last week was the final week of execution. And I know that because my calendar has reminders. I spent last week reviewing the results and activities. This quarter was an exceedingly tough one where three family…

Read more about the article Trust and Collaboration in Teams
2022 is the Year You Arrive!

Trust and Collaboration in Teams

Last week I onboarded a new client. The focus of the engagement is to add leverage to a global deployment gone awry and bring it back on track. Without compromising any confidentiality, I want to talk about some themes that are showing up.Trust and CollaborationThese two words are probably the…


Every Good Plan …

So, it is the end of my first week. And not a few days into the year, mother nature dumps a pile of snow and it’s out shoveling I must go.  So I’m a little behind. What do you do? Move on and stay focused. We might catch up later…


The Power of Themes

Last week, I talked about the importance of setting a theme word for the year. The theme word is there in the background. My theme word for last year was "declutter".  This is how the year played out.  In the lower right-hand corner, you see the image of what my office looked…


Day 4 – Turning Goals in Daily Actions

Day 4 and thank you to all those who sent in their theme word for the year. I can't wait to see how it goes when we check in next year. Here's the thing about goals. Everything is achievable if you build it in blocks that are manageable. I worked…


Day 3 – Go Boldly Toward Your Dreams

Day 3 “Man is what he believes.” – Anton Checkov Are you still with me? To recap: So far, we’ve declared our theme word for the year. And, you looked back on 2021 and answered a few questions to capture some lessons learned. Today we’re going to do a little…


Day 2 – Look Back Before You Go Forward

Stay with me. If you follow along for the whole year, your look back next year will be amazing. In my last blog post, I mentioned the Plan-Execute-Measure (P5-E55-M5)  Process to making plans. Let me give you a little look into the planning process.  This is how it starts: During…


Common Pitfalls When Emotional Intelligence is Missing in Teams

Emotional intelligence (EI) is essential for fostering effective, cohesive, and resilient teams. By understanding and developing the key components of EI—self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills—teams can enhance communication, resolve conflicts more effectively, and build stronger relationships. High levels of EI within teams lead to increased collaboration, innovation, and…