Leadership Performance Coaching

First Principles of Leadership Performance Coaching
“First Principles” are a way of thinking about a complex system or problem that involves breaking it down into its most basic, fundamental components. Entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have been using First Principles of Thinking to innovate. The idea is to understand the underlying building blocks and fundamental laws that govern a system rather than relying on assumptions, opinions, or past practices. The approach is used in various fields, such as physics, philosophy, and business, and can help lead to more efficient, accurate, and innovative solutions.
In coaching, applying first principles means breaking down the coaching process into its most fundamental components and then building up from there. Here are some ways to apply first principles in coaching:
Start with the basics: Identify the core skills, abilities, and qualities that are necessary for success in the area you are coaching. This might include communication skills, self-awareness, problem-solving, or time management.
Strip away assumptions: Avoid relying on past practices or preconceived notions of how things should be done. Instead, focus on understanding the individual you are coaching and what they need to achieve their goals.
Focus on the individual: Each person is unique and has their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. First principles coaching means tailoring your approach to the specific needs of each individual.
Encourage experimentation: Encourage the individual to experiment and try new things. This helps them develop a growth mindset and can lead to more innovative solutions.
Measure results: Use data and metrics to track progress and measure the success of your coaching approach. This can help you make adjustments and refine your approach over time.
By using these principles, we build a coaching approach that is flexible, adaptable, and tailored to the individual, helping you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively.

Meet The Founder Dr. Gina Lepore
Leadership Performance Coaching
I am a Leadership and Performance Coach and Project Management Professional with an MBA in finance and entrepreneurship and a doctorate in Chinese clinical medicine. Ia PCC certified coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and have been practicing as a coach for more than ten years. My coaching approach is solution-focused, and I use a combination of first principles philosophy, the Socratic method, cognitive-behavioral techniques, positive psychology, and mindfulness techniques to help clients achieve their goals. I am a professional member of the International Coach Federation and hold the PCC certification bad bitch. My clients appreciate my tough love and lateral thinking approaches that help them clarify their goals and get outstanding results.
