Start Planning for Success in 2022
In the days ahead, I'm going to walk you through my journey for how I plan each year and how I use my Five-55-Five Process to get more done in the same time allocation that we all get.
In the days ahead, I'm going to walk you through my journey for how I plan each year and how I use my Five-55-Five Process to get more done in the same time allocation that we all get.
“Positive culture is a vital aspect of running a business–more than 50% of executives say corporate culture influences productivity, creativity, profitability, firm value, and growth rates. These corporate culture statistics outline how important culture is in attracting, retaining, and satisfying employees.” - Currently, the new struggle is finding ways…
Feb 2019 and my annual visit to the doctor for the annual bloodletting. The results are in, my LDL cholesterol was 176. For those of you who don’t know, LDL cholesterol is often called bad cholesterol. The reason LDL is called bad cholesterol is that it can build up in…
While many, including Bill Gates, have foretold the impact of a global pandemic, COVID-19 is still a surprise to many. Pandemics are not new and in fact, there have been many throughout American History and throughout world history dating back to 3000 B.C. Today, we have the benefit of global…
Have you had the feeling of being so overwhelmed at work that your well-being, sleep, and energy levels are impacted? I find that the answer to this issue is to implement a 3-step plan. I follow this plan each year. Step 1: Forget balance, make the right commitments. So…
Recently, I spoke at a conference on the topic of Diversity and Inclusion. More than 80% responded and said that their organizations either value D&I or has made it a priority in 2019. Take a look at some of the answers given by survey respondents below: With so much attention…
Back in the days when I was taking high school biology, the knowledge of the day was that the brain did not continue to grow and develop once you reached you’re a certain age. And what makes matters worse, we learned that brain cells were on a slow and steady…
In the following scenario, a client (Michael the CEO) learns of a conversation which ensued between one of his partners and a senior manager on the team. First read through the dialogue and see if you can tell what went awry in the discussion. I'll give you my views after…
Why companies of all sizes need to develop a data strategyWhile the first internet interactions date back to the 1960s when the US Department of Defense used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network, the internet became more widely known and recognized in the 1990s…
What two words are the biggest killers of innovation and thinking outside the box? “Yes, but”. We’ve all been there in the typical office meeting and brainstorming sessions under the guise of coming up with new ideas, someone musters the courage to introduce something new or different and without even…