Achieving a shared vision or goal Clear goals and rewards or punishments based on performance Having a lot of freedom and autonomy Prioritizing the needs and well-being of others
By inspiring and motivating them to think creatively and take risks By making all the decisions and expecting strict obedience By being confident, decisive, and willing to take risks By building strong interpersonal relationships and avoiding conflict
Mysterious and whimsical Competitive and determined Laid-back and lazy Playful and curious
Considering the needs and opinions of others Setting clear goals and expectations Being confident and taking risks Fostering a positive team culture
By valuing collaboration and feedback from others By making all the decisions and expecting strict obedience By being confident, decisive, and willing to take risks By avoiding conflict or criticism
Creativity and innovation Clear goals and structure Autonomy and freedom Positive relationships and a supportive culture
Inspiring and motivating others to think creatively and take risks Making all the decisions and expecting strict obedience Being confident and decisive in taking risks Building strong interpersonal relationships and avoiding conflict
Prioritize the needs and well-being of others Set clear goals and expectations Give others autonomy and freedom Build strong relationships and avoid conflict
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